Why do we fail in fitness

Here are my 3 major takes why we fail in fitness.

New Year Resolutions

97% of the New Year Fitness Resolutions fail. Yet, everyone is waiting for the New Year to make another failed resolution. And after the New Year is long gone, we wait for the next Monday, the start of the next month or the end of the project at work to start on fitness.

This wait for the right time is never ending. You have probably spent years already, looking for the right time.

Let me break the good news for you. The new year is just right around the corner. Make another failed attempt Or you can just start.


Fitness is 20% Exercise and 80% everything else, mainly Nutrition&Recovery. Most people just do the 20% part, that is exercise.

Assuming they are doing the exercise part right, only a tiny portion of the people see success. That is because they also concentrate their efforts on the remaining 80% of the game.

Let’s say you are a person trying to lose body fat. You spend 1 hour exercising and sweating hard every day. But you go back and eat more and more calories and junk food. You will never lose the extra weight. Chances are, you will gain more weight. You cannot ever out-train a bad diet.

On the other end, you are a skinny guy trying to gain weight (you should be aiming for muscles here). You push hard in the gym but never consume enough calories, proteins or highly nutritious food. Again, you will never build that strong and sexy physique. You are just breaking down your body in the gym and not providing raw materials to build it back up.

Ok, now assume you do everything right, but always watch TV till late night and wake up early to run for work. You are getting less than 6 hours of somewhat disturbed sleep all the time. That means, you are simply denying your body the right environment for better recovery. Major part of our body’s repair and re-build is done during a good night’s sleep. Most of the hormones in our body are produced during sleep. So an optimal amount of good quality sleep is crucial for  overall health and fitness.

Sleep requirement changes from person to person. But for most adults 7-8 hours of sleep will work.

2-weeks isn’t a long time

We live in a fast world. Which means, we always want fast results. Apart from that, we also want comfort. But exercise is uncomfortable. The discomfort is very high in the first 2-weeks and results difficult to see. Result- we give up!

Fitness is a journey, not a destination. And it’s definitely a long journey. It’s a lifestyle change, which takes a long time to perfect and enjoy. All you need is patience to go through the discomfort, be consistent and keep making improvements along the way.

Good thing is, you don’t need to do everything  right from the get go. Our body is highly responsive to training and nutrition in the initial 6months to 1 year time. Start with whatever you can in the beginning. Consciously, keep improving and building one healthy habit at a time. It doesn’t take that long to bring a huge change. A couple of months is enough time for the magic to start unfolding. After that, it can only get easier to keep going.

Well, this is then the right time to take charge and welcome the new year as a new and improved person!!


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