I know it, you know it and almost everyone else knows the benefit of being fit. We have always known it. You will be strong and healthy and…and you know regular stuff we keep hearing.
Cool, we have been hearing this since forever. It’s almost like-“You should always say truth”. And yet nobody gives a shit about these words. They just do what they do, even though these words have the power to add a lot of value and meaning to life. I do this often and I bet you too do it sometimes.
It’s just that, these words we have heard so many times in our life that they have lost the value and real meaning in our minds. We are so imperfect. It’s all about being human.
So let’s get it out of way and talk of some not so obvious benefits of being fit. I am sure, you can find value in at least one of more of these and take your fitness gear out.
Superpower against illness
“Strong people are harder to kill than weak people and more useful in general”- Mark Rippetoe
Simple yet profound and powerful words. It is also so relevant when it comes to diseases and illnesses. Nobody wants to be sick or suffer with disease. Diseases and illnesses are trying to kill us. Some kill us for good and others kill us almost, for a couple of days forcing us to stay in bed.
Fit people exercise regularly and eat nutritious food. Doing that will definitely reduces risk of lifestyle diseases like diabetes, hypertension, heart disease and cancer which are not so rare any more.
Additionally it will also boost your immune system immensely. Stronger immune system means, your body can deal better with infections. Regular infectious illnesses like common cold, cough and flu rarely affect you.
I have had no common type of sickness since 2.5 yrs ever since I started lifting weights. There have been instances where, every one around me, my whole family is sneezing and coughing and I am standing strong. Now, isn’t that a superpower??
A superpower that adds a great deal of certainty in you life. You can keep doing what you do for longer time and not having to take any downtime.
Capability to do more
Following a fit lifestyle, apart from making you strong and healthy, gives you more physical and mental energy. So you can finish more work faster.
It in turn gives you a capability to accept more and more things to do. Increased energy can also help you take up your interests or hobbies without feeling tired all the time. You can also do more physically demanding work like shifting your house without breaking your back.
It feels incredible when you go to bed after very hard and tiring day and yet you wake up feeling strong and energetic.
Better Opportunities
This is a really big one. Believe me, even though we live in a civilized world, we are still wild deep inside. It’s a harsh world just like a jungle.
No social rules and norms apply in the jungle. Almost every person there, will always favor a better looking guy/gal over you. Our animal mind will always believe that a better looking person is fitter and more capable to meet their needs.
Guess what, you cannot change most of the things which add to your looks. Your hair, eyes, complexion, height, facial beauty etc are all decided by your genes. But, you can change your physique. It plays a huge role in your first impression. Everybody notices your physique first before the details of your face. On any day, a fitter version of you is better looking and more salable.
Assume you are one of the two finalists for a job interview. Both of you are highly qualified and capable for the job. But you have a better physique. Guess you gets the job?
If you are still not convinced, go back to your memories from school. Isn’t it true that most of those popular kids were also the the good looking ones. Better looks always get more eyeballs and more love. Your far relative is more interested in talking to your better looking sibling.
Bigger Achievements
Apart from ability to do more work, being fit also brings in a lot of self-worth and confidence. It has a huge influence on your achievements. A person who has better self-worth and confidence, will always bigger goals to achieve in every other area.
In fact, confidence is more powerful that the actual capabilities. Because, no matter how capable you are, you cannot do shit without confidence. High confidence and good capabilities is always better that low confidence and excellent capabilities.
You become better person and more giving
Everything and everyone around is fighting for your focus and energy. Your job, family, friends, relatives, co-workers and community. Your worth in the system is actually determined by how much more attention and service you can give to all of these.
The more you give, the more your worth and fulfillment. But you cannot have it when you struggle to take care of yourself and your stuff first. Being fit gives you just that. You take care of yourself, feel better and have more energy to finish your stuff first and be there for others.
We can be there for people around us and do a lot more.Take for instance, you are a parent or you have kids at home. You come home tired and the kids want you to play? Compare that to being energetic and ready to play. What feels better and fulfilling- Playing hide and seek with your kids OR watch TV and let you kid play temple run?